CLI Commands

Traduttore requires WP-CLI 2.0 or newer to be installed on the server.

You can define TRADUTTORE_WP_BIN in your wp-config.php file to tell Traduttore where the WP-CLI executable is. The default is wp.

Generate language packs

Generate language packs for one or more projects.

wp traduttore language-pack build <project>

Language packs will automatically be updated upon translation changes. This WP-CLI command is mostly useful for debugging / testing.

Use the --force flag to force ZIP file generation, even if there were no changes since the last build.

Use the --all flag to generate the language packs for all active projects.

List project language packs

List language packs for the given project.

wp traduttore language-pack list <project|repository_url>

Update translations from remote

Updates project translations from source code repository.

Pulls the latest changes, extracts translatable strings and imports them into GlotPress.

wp traduttore project update <project|repository_url>

Use the --delete flag to first delete the existing local repository.

Clearing the cached source code repository

Removes the cached source code repository for a given project.

Useful when the local repository was somehow corrupted.

wp traduttore project cache clear <project|repository_url>

Show various details about a project

There’s a command to print some helpful debug information about a given project.

This includes things like the text domain and repository URLs.

wp traduttore project info <project|repository_url>

Show various details about the environment

There’s a command to print some helpful debug information about Traduttore.

This includes things like the plugin version and path to the cache directory.

wp traduttore info